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poolside products dermalogica decleorIf you’re lucky enough to be jetting off to warmer climes this summer, or even if you have your own pool at home and are planning a staycation, there are several things that you’ll want to keep in your bag. Dermalogica and Decleor have a number of products which are perfect for keeping in your bag while you’re poolside and we thought we’d share just a few of them with you.

Decleor Ultra Protective Hydrating Milk SPF50 Body

Obviously, the most important things about laying in the sun is…sun protection! Using a sunscreen with a high SPF will allow you to spend time in the sun without burning and will prevent the suns harmful rays from accelerating the signs of ageing. This SPF50 from Decleor is highly moisturising and will rehydrate skin which may have been dried by chlorine or salt water.

Dermalogica Sheer Tint SPF20

Wearing a full face of make while you’re poolside is a fools errand, especially if you’re planning to actually swim in the water, combined with sweat will likely decimate your carefully applied make up. If you don’t want to go completely bare-faced, Dermalogica Sheer Tint is a great idea as it gives you colour and coverage as well as an added SPF20 protection for your face and can be reapplied whenever needed.

Dermalogica Climate Control Lip Treatment

Laying in the sun for hours is a sure-fire way to dry your lips out, so keeping a lip balm in your bag like Dermalogica Climate Control Lip Treatment is wise. The treatment is specially formulated to keep your lips hydrated in extremes of temperature, so even those of us jetting off to the warmest places will be well protected!

Dermalogica Emergency Spot Fix

The last thing you want while you’re doing your best to look glamorous on your lounger is for a pimple to emerge, so keeping a product like Dermalogica Emergency Spot Fix in your bag could be a real life saver. Dab onto a blemish as soon as you feel it starting to come out and it will help to reduce redness and inflammation, as well as killing the spot causing bacteria.

Dermalogica Body Hydrating Cream

Our reasons for recommending this product are actually two-fold. Obviously it’s hugely important to keep your skin moisturised to look best in your swimsuit, but this moisturiser also contains tea-tree oil, which is a natural insect repellent. This means that by slathering yourself in this cream from Dermalogica you could be rehydrating your skin AND keeping the mozzies at bay.